A hacker can hack into your account on any number of devices and then use that information to gain access to your MacBook pro. But there are a few steps you can take to keep hackers from accessing your MacBook pro.
1- Set up a password for your screen saver
2- Install anti-virus software that is updated weekly
3- Update all of the applications on your MacBook pro regularly
How To Secure Your MacBook Pro From Hackers
Hackers are always looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system. And with the use of social media and smartphones, hackers can take advantage of the open ports that we expose through our devices.
Here are some tips on how to keep your Apple device secure from hacking:-
A- Turn off AutoPlay – this should be enabled by default but not everyone does it so this is just a reminder to do so before you forget about it.
B- Update all software as soon as possible – update your operating system, browse plugins and software like Adobe Flash Player and Java.
C- Install security updates when prompted – use automatic updates or install them manually when they are available. If you need help installing them then please contact IT Support at your company.